Archive for January 6, 2012

Fall Concert (CB1, CB2, CB3)

Posted: January 6, 2012 in America

Electricity (The Song)

Practicing the same thing every time during band class. It gets boring sometimes. We’re having a fall concert next week, and it is a really serious (grand?) one. We have to be in our very best clothing, like tuxedos, bows, something like that. Going to be playing three songs.

We still have school that day because it’s a Monday, and three bands (concert band 3, 2, and 1) are going to perform. Two other bands (Symphonic band and Wind Ensemble) are going to play the next day. We are performing in the large auditorium, which can fit in about 808 people. It’s humongous.

After a long weekend, that day finally came. Band players are supposed to reach the auditorium approximately at 5:45 PM. The performance is going to start at 6:30 PM. My band is going to perform first, so we get to practice on stage. Audiences start to fill in at 6:15 PM.

We started to perform after our band director finished her speech. We performed three songs. It ended in a short period of time. The other bands also played well. Sister’s band played a really nice song called “electricity”, and it was good. I really like it. The songs ended with loud applauses from the audiences.  It was quite a performance.

There’s one more concert coming before the summer break, a spring concert. Waiting……